Friday, 18 February 2011


We have started to create all the titles that we are going in include in the sequence. There is a list of the names we are using in a different blog. Pat has been doing the majority of the titles while i edited together the footage we shot over the weekend 12th-13th of February

Taken opening sequence

how does it fit with genre: no defining genre from opening credits, could become any type of film.
has a very similar opening sequence to 'The Game' directed by David Fincher. opening sequence shows film reels of a small girls birthday (most likely main characters daughter). Sub Genre: we cannot tell there is any sub genres from the opening credits because there is only a short film of a birthday then a face on view of who must be the main character.

Tittle sequence

We have made a title sequence for our production logo. It uses spirals and bright colours for visual effect. We have made the title sequence in photoshop and we have edited it in final cut also we added eery music for a thriller effect.

Filming over the weekend

We did all our filming over the weekend 12th-13th of February at All Saints Passage near the town center, we got a friend of Pats called Jess to play the female character in the sequence and Pat playing the male character and me as the Cinematographer. We all worked well as a team getting the majority of the shooting done over a couple of hours. We improvised a crane shot by using the tripod and lifting it into the air and leaning it forward, we got a high angle shot that looks like it was done by using a crane so it increased the range of camera angles we used in the sequence.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Film Sequence

We have edited together the footage that we shot over the weekend. we are still deciding whether to re-shoot the footage as some of the shots have to be cut shorter then we intended due to mess ups. we also don't have some of the shots we wanted, and our sequence when edited together is shorter then we wanted so we need to increase the play tim of it so we can edit in all of the titles and credits.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Music sample

This is a sample of the sort of music we want to use in our Final Piece of the Thriller. It includes piano,Guitars,Violins and a drum kit potentially. i will be getting friends to record the piano and Violin parts and play the guitar parts myself. I will be writing all the music.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Title order

Production logo-P.M Productions
Company-Plug in Pictures
Actors/Actresses names
Actors/Actresses names
Caster-Steven Ray
Music-Pat Bull,Paula Radcliffe,Alex Hastings
Costumes-Mikey Downes,Ronald Harvey
Editing-Timothy Clarke, Edwin Peters
Production designer-Simon Tibbs, Lawrence Winkle
Director of photography-Joseph Stevens
Co-Producer-Nicolas Kane,Peter Deke, David Reaves
executive producer-  Hilda Eden, Julian Smith, Fredrick Ronnie  
Co-Executive producers-Tony Adams, Richard Dean, Jean Yeats
Producer-Lesley Ritter
Writer-Gregory House
Director-Robert Cambourne

Actors/Actresses-Patrick Bull, Sophie Cambridge, Sabrina Tinth, Ash Juniper, Gary Oak


Male character:
Smart clean trousers.
Black jacket so no part of the shirt apart from the collar is showing.
Will be carrying a bag, normal shopping bag with a box in it.
Headphones with an MP3 player

Female character:
Casually dressed with a sense of Class
Nice jacket
Nice shoes

these are roundabout what the characters will look like dress wise.

Camera work

Start with shots of around the area.
Shot of Male character with a bag looking through shop window from over the road.
Closer shot of male character from left shoulder.
Frontal Shot of character looking through shop window listening to music.
side on shot of him listening to music,while female character walks towards him in shot.
Shot of characters feet him dropping bag.
Female character walks close
shot of picking up bag and dropping note
wide angle Shot of entire alleyway her walking down it with bag on shoulder
Behind shot of Male character seeing bag gone and note there
Close up of him picking note up
Mid shot/reaction shot of him reading note.
Drops note
Shot from floor note in foreground male character walking down alleyway
Side shot of male character walking past camera
shot from Courtyard of character still walking worriedly
Behind shot of him walking female character infront
Wide angle hip shot of Male character standing there looking at female character
Shoulder shot aswell.
wide shot of female character smiling at camera/male character, walks past wall
Reaction shot from male character
Courtyard shot of him running to end of road
Street view of him going round the corner
Reaction shot of his confusion
end scene

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

This is the location we will be using for the thriller.

start of scene will be here. Google Maps is not accurate because this shop is no longer there.

End of Scene

Storyboard 2

Scene starts Male character well dressed on street looking in shop/building window.Has a Bag leaning next to his left leg. Is Occupied by what he is looking at, Female Character starts coming up and walks past,picking up his bag and dropping a Card on the floor where his bag was.
walks down passage nearby. Male character sees his bag missing picks up Card and reads, looks up shocked drops card and begins to follow female character down passage. Slowly following because he is unsure whether he knows them/it is his bag or not.
Female character gets to the end of passage turns to Male character smiles and walks around corner. Male character runs to corner where she was and finds her to be gone. Last shot of Card with title on it.